Friday, November 28, 2008

Tis the season to give

Hi peeps.

It's been a long while. I know I'm on a long break right now, and I 'm supposed to have all this free time on my hands, but that's just it...the holiday bug has gotten to every bit of me, especially my brain and fingers. I've been wanting to post so many times, but boy, the transformation of that desire into actual action is downright tough!

But, something's moved me to post today. My church is organising a Christmas concert next week so I'm just doing my bit to promote it. It's called "Festival of Hope", and though I'm not exactly sure what is going to happen in the concert, you'll definitely be enjoying some Christmas carols sung by a full-fledged choir. You'll have to pay to get in (RM30, RM50, RM100 and RM15 for students) but the proceeds will all go to several children's homes here in Sabah. All in all, it's for a good cause and what better time to show the spirit of giving than at Christmas time right.

Just to share with you a video my church did to promote the event.


Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Nice video :D Wish I could attend that just to hear that full fledged choir sing :D

Perry R. Lim said...

Hey Nick! Thanks for dropping by. I think it's going to be a great one!

carolchs said...

Perry, bagus oh the video.
Kalau beli tiket dr kau can kah?

Perry R. Lim said...

Carol: Can. Kasi tau saja berapa kau mau, and which tickets.
